Arlington National Cemetery - The Nation's Most Hallowed Ground
Arlington National Cemetery - The Nation's Most Hallowed Ground
Arlington National Cemetery sits across the Potomac River from Washington DC and is reserved for America's fallen heroes.
Arlington National Cemetery - The Nation's Most Hallowed Ground
The cemetery was established at the end of the Civil War on what was the grounds of Arlington House owned by the family of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.
Arlington National Cemetery - The Nation's Most Hallowed Ground
Arlington Cemetery holds the gravestones of more than 400,000 fallen.
Arlington National Cemetery - The Nation's Most Hallowed Ground
More than 5,000 burials are conducted each year and each conducted in the traditions established.
Arlington National Cemetery - The Nation's Most Hallowed Ground
Walking through the more than 640 acres that make up the grounds of the cemetery one cannot help but be over melancholic. It is a most humbling experience.
Arlington National Cemetery - The Nation's Most Hallowed Ground
The grave markers seem to go on forever.
Arlington National Cemetery - The Nation's Most Hallowed Ground
A marker directs you to the grave site of President John F. Kennedy, assassinated on November 22, 1963 after only 1,000 days in office.
A marker directs you to the grave site of President John F. Kennedy, assassinated on November 22, 1963 after only 1,000 days in office.
Arlington National Cemetery - The Nation's Most Hallowed Ground
The eternal flame marking the grave site of America's 35th President John F. Kennedy. The burial markers for his wife and son flank his bronze head stone.
Arlington National Cemetery - The Nation's Most Hallowed Ground
Over 5,000 unknown soldiers are buried throughout the cemetery.
The memorial of the unknown buried at the cemetery
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